
About Georgia Rutherford

Meet Georgia, a vibrant individual with a passion for connecting people with their dreams. Originally hailing from Sydney, Georgia relocated to Wagga in 2015, drawn by the strong bonds of family in the area. Georgia has an extensive history of Customer focused roles, showing her commitment to helping people. Drawn to the real estate industry, Georgia hopes to assist individuals in achieving significant milestones, whether it's acquiring their first home, upgrading, or investing in property. Outside of work, Georgia finds joy in spending quality time with her friends and family. A four-wheel driving enthusiast, she navigates the rugged terrains with her fiancé in their trusty patrols. Additionally, Georgia is a proud owner of six horses, a responsibility that keeps her thoroughly engaged and attuned to the equestrian world. Georgia is excited to join Macarthur Real Estate, where she is eagerly working towards obtaining her real estate license.

Georgia Rutherford's Properties

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